More biology articles in the 'General' category

So yeah, new year, new design! Everything isn't 100% complete - the site is still missing some features. Most of the ads are tests - I'm trying to find good spots for them, they will probably change. Only the 'Biology Forum' button at the top will stay there - the other 2 are placeholders for features to come in a near future (I hope).

So what's new? A newsletter, a poll, a cool new look, better search, mail-to-a-friend feature on every article, rss feeds for every category, and a script to display our news our your website!

What's coming next? Faster & better search, printer-friendly format for every article, a genetic-algorithm (or bayesian, we'll see) based news aggregator displaying links to biology website, in (near) real-time (would need help with this one, if someone has know-how for this kind of stuff), and (almost) everything you will suggest! Use the comments form (click on the title for the full entry, it's a the bottom) or contact me directly if you have some suggestions / comments!

If the design is broken or is not displaying properly, contact me (via the new contact form!) and describe the problem and your OS / browser / screen resolution.

Oh, a big thanks to designer Amanda Wray for the cool looking logo!

January 3, 2006 11:05 PMGeneral

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